Bilibili直播间ID 东南大学
Urban informatics for
sustainable and liveable cities
Roofpedia – Mapping Roofscapes with AI
Roofpedia is an open registry of sustainable roofscapes around the world. It uses deep convolutional neural network to detect sustainable roof typologies from satellite images. Footprints of buildings identified with solar panels or rooftop greenery are tagged automatically, and the results are visualized above for a score of cities.
Global Streetscapes
Global Streetscapes is a worldwide dataset of 10 million crowdsourced SVIs sampled from Mapillary and KartaView, covering 688 cities around the world, which account for about 10% of the world’s population, enriched with more than 300 attributes and has wide geographical, environmental, and temporal diversity. In addition, the project is supported with open-source code and documentation. It is a big open large-scale labelled street-level imagery dataset addressing various challenges on using street view imagery in urban sciences. A comprehensive paper about the project is published as a namesake article in the ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
Global Building Morphology Indicators (GBMI)
GBMI introduces a formalised, structured, modular, and extensible method to compute, manage, and disseminate urban indicators at a large scale and high resolution, while the precomputed dataset facilitates comparative studies. The theory and implementation traverse multiple scales: at the building level, both individual and contextual ones based on encircling buildings by multiple buffers, and aggregations at several hierarchical administrative levels and at multiple grids. Our open dataset, comprising billions of records on a growing scope of urban areas worldwide, is the most comprehensive instance of morphological data parametrising the individual building stock, supporting studies in urban analytics and a range of disciplines.